
Season of Creation ~ artwork~ Muriel Buckley,scic


Art \ Paintings


My Trasna (Crossing Point)

Step forward
Leap faithfully
Test the waters

Walk steadily
Deepen trust

Horizons beckon
Pathways unfold
Step forward

Anita Holmes, SCIC

Diary of Miraculata
(born during covid-19)

Mid October 2020 after despairing of seeing any monarchs in the
milkweed, brown-eyed susan patch
two cocoons finally appeared .
Daily visits caused both hope and doubt
“By now you should already be in Mexico”.
Time moved on –no sign of movement.
Then finally

Click Here for Full Reflection


Sea and sky meet and embrace,
Who knows how?  When?  Where?
Eye encounters today’s horizon.
Gratitude for today’s vision is enough.
Cosmic rhythm, come again tomorrow
Beckon with delight in mystery!

Salt of millennia mix and mingle with wind
Finds a home within me.
Each wave, constant and unique
reveals breathing ones beneath the sand.
Keep me close to the spots where you breathe again and again,
In and out, ever attentive,
May I stay conscious of your pilgrimage, ever ancient,
ever new ~ movement of praise,
Laus Deo!

Mary Beth McCurdy scic


Radiance is the 5th Album of Composer Theresa Hucul released in 2019. It includes 12 of her 90 compositions. This Album, in Song with 25 Voices, Cello, Violin, Guitar and Keyboard, is recorded by Mike Boyer, Saint John. Included in Radiance is a Song by American composer Carolyn McDade,  Ronald Krisman of ICEL and Gordon Johnston, Ottawa

CD  $15.00, Large Book $8.00, Small Book $6.00

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