
Season of Creation ~ artwork~ Muriel Buckley,scic


Art \ Paintings



Praise to You, God of our longing!
During this graced Advent season,
guide us to savour time for waiting.

Amid darkness,
send us your Spirit of Hope and Light.
Ease our fear and anxiety
arising from wanting more,
while having and being enough.

Inspire our desire for transformation,
as we recognize Gift of Incarnation.
We yearn to welcome You,
Loving Justice ~
offering kindness, truth,
integrity, dignity ~
embracing all, enriching all.

Accompany as we walk together,
sharing justly, celebrating joyfully,
honouring Earth,
our common, living home.

We pray in the Sun of Justice,
who came with courage to set us free. Amen.

Roma De Robertis, scic


Radiance is the 5th Album of Composer Theresa Hucul released in 2019. It includes 12 of her 90 compositions. This Album, in Song with 25 Voices, Cello, Violin, Guitar and Keyboard, is recorded by Mike Boyer, Saint John. Included in Radiance is a Song by American composer Carolyn McDade,  Ronald Krisman of ICEL and Gordon Johnston, Ottawa

CD  $15.00, Large Book $8.00, Small Book $6.00

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